中國日報 | 夜探“中國好萊塢”橫店影視城文旅融合促發展

來源: 中國日報網
作者: 馬振寰 朱興鑫
日期: 2021-07-19

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2021年7月15日晚,中國日報記者探訪浙江省東陽市橫店影視城起步之地——廣州街·香港街度假區,這裏是橫店影視城旗下為數不多夜晚仍對外開放的景區,吸引各地遊客前來觀光,景區內熱鬧非凡。 近年來,廣州街·香港街景區向生活化的旅遊休閑體驗型度假區轉型,集主題沉浸體驗、主題演藝和休閑度假等內容。目前,該街區共有影視主題民宿12棟,以影視劇中重要場景為原型設計,每個主題圍繞一部電影或電視劇,讓遊客體驗到“白天玩在電影裏,晚上住在電影裏”的感覺。

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Visitors 'live in the film' at Hengdian World Studio

20210720082651.jpg (194 KB)Visitors watch performances at the Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets at the Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province, on July 15, 2021. 

The Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets are one of the few spots that still welcome visitors at night at the Hengdian World Studios, known as "Chinese Hollywood", in Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province. In recent years, besides being a film and TV production area, the block has played a new role of providing themed performances, immersive role-playing and accommodation for visitors. At daytime, visitors can have fun in the film sets while at night, they can actually "live" in the film.

20210720082658.jpg (180 KB)A visitor passes by models in qipao at the Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets at the Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province, on July 15, 2021. 

20210720082704.jpg (923 KB)A boy poses for pictures with a foreign actor at the Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets at the Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province, on July 15, 2021. 

20210720082708.jpg (148 KB)A street artist performs magic tricks for visitors at the Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets at the Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province, on July 15, 2021.

20210720082712.jpg (652 KB)Actors put on a film-themed show at the Guangzhou and Hong Kong streets re-created in film sets at the Hengdian World Studios, Dongyang city, East China's Zhejiang province, on July 15, 2021.