
The Journey of Growth from "Sales" to "Management"


Sales Refines the Mind

In 2005, as a novice, I joined Hengdian Import and Export Company and became an obscure foreign trade salesperson. As a salesperson, I encountered numerous significant challenges at that time: hundreds of emails with no responses, lack of attention at trade shows, and the need to be assertive during customer meetings. I went from feeling lost to becoming highly proficient, and all these experiences contributed to my rapid growth in this role. With unwavering determination, I toiled in the immature market for a full three years and achieved the title of sales champion in 2008. Sales not only fosters personal growth but also hones one's mentality, enabling me to calmly confront life's various hardships and grow resiliently like a weed.

Inheritance and Team Achievement

During the years when my business was experiencing rapid growth, what I will remember most is the meticulous guidance and training from many mentors: every email revision and every quotation confirmation still remain vivid in my memory. They challenged me and spurred me to improvement, continuously propelling me forward with newfound opportunities. In 2011, I was promoted to the role of a business department manager. I have always held the belief that "inheritance" is the key to building a strong team. Consequently, I have consistently practiced the ethos of "passing on and guiding," cultivating team elites, and breaking through barriers to achieve swift business growth. From managing a single department to overseeing multiple departments and eventually the entire sales department, I have strived to integrate and work shoulder-to-shoulder with the team, leading everyone towards the inheritance of business capabilities and career advancement.

Management Realizes Value

Sales can be quantified and validated through numbers, but management requires patient nurturing. After a decade of evolution, we have gradually transitioned from "managing tasks" to "managing people." In 2023, as part of the group's deep internationalization strategy and to establish stronger and faster connections between the market and factories, I will also take on the role of the General Manager of Tospo Lighting while concurrently serving as the General Manager of Sales. My aim is to achieve rapid and timely responsiveness on both ends of the supply and demand spectrum, fostering collaboration. In today's ever-changing international landscape, the challenge lies in swiftly adjusting corporate strategies to adapt to change, but it also presents opportunities. Individuals and organizations alike grow through constant change. Through team management and talent cultivation, we can achieve high-quality development in this new stage.

From "sales" to "management," more than a decade of experience has taught me that as long as you invest your heart, you will reap rewards, and true growth can only be achieved through the act of inheritance. The future may be uncertain, but as long as we approach it with a positive attitude and pursue it with unwavering dedication, we will ultimately achieve even greater growth!